For a considerable period, the Democrat's approach to the mid-term elections has been mystifying. Their poll numbers are epically low, Biden and Harris are as radioactive as any President and VP have ever been and, by any reasonable metric, the ruling junta is going to lose control of at least the House and possibly the Senate also, come November. And yet, they are not concerned, despite the fact that this should stall their agenda until 2024's Presidential election.
I have speculated that, given the fact that the Progressives are utterly convinced of their own rectitude and wholly disinclined to rein in their excesses, they must have an alternative plan. Perhaps the most effective way would be to postpone the election itself, possibly via the invocation of martial law, declared under some spurious grounds to do with the war in Ukraine. Alternatively, some form of lock-down due to the effects of climate change, monkeypox or Covid once again.
Failing this approach, a fallback option might be to hold the elections but ensure that they are to be wholly mail-in. In person voting - the kind that the Republican base is committed to, especially now that they are much more knowledgeable about the vast range of ruses deployed by the Democratic Party apparatchiks who seem to feature prominently in all states' election infrastructure – is much more difficult to manipulate. Not that it doesn't exist; there are many stories of Republican voters at polling stations being told that they had already voted by mail.
A wholly mail-in vote, replete with drop boxes, partisan poll watchers, overnight ballot dumps, delayed results and other tried and tested shenanigans might be enough to get Democrat candidates over the line again. As things stand, a minority of people would believe repeated inexplicable outcomes such as this, but I'm not sure that the regime cares one way or the other. In fact, there may be a win-win. If the people accept yet one more humiliation – another reminder that they have no say in the future of their country – all well and good. If they don't, and the state finds itself with a genuine insurrection on its hands, then at least the enemy has been flushed out into the open.
The extent to which the US has been corrupted is difficult to appreciate when viewed from Europe. While our regimes are guilty of refusing to work with any genuinely right of center party in coalition, even if they are the most popular party, they are not known for mounting electoral coup d'états. British voters, for instance, do not live in a country where election machines are routinely tampered with, where courts overturn constitutional law to better enable fraud or where election workers process duplicate photocopied ballots. All those practices (and many more besides) are symptomatic of American elections. Indeed, of all the major Western democracies, the US is the only one which doesn't uniformly require ID to vote. It's hardly surprising that there are a lot of angry Americans.
However, I am coming round to the view that the elections are actually going to be held, although probably in lock-down mode. The primary season has shone new light on Democrat tactics. Primaries are the process by which party candidates are nominated – the victor in each party's primary election then goes on to contest the mid-terms. This year, a bewildering array of new tricks have been showcased, many of which will feature in the real thing in November along with some old favorites.
International standards
When we think of America, we don't necessarily think banana republic – but that assessment is becoming inescapable. There are big, systemic problems with the election infrastructure in the US. According to UN declarations and a myriad of regional treaties and agreements, there are a fair number of warning signs, most of which the US deliberately ignores – not that they would if they were instead sanctimoniously policing some allegedly backward nation heading to the polls.
By international standards, a politicized bureaucracy would be presumed to be biased; in America, up to 95% of unionized government workers belong to the Democratic Party. Freedom of the press, an unbiased media in other words, is also a necessity if elections are to be free and fair. However, the American press are charlatans, hiding the truth (Hunter Biden's laptop), promoting lies (the Russia collusion hoax and many others), suppressing opposition views openly. Monopoly control by one party (those Democrats again) is also contrary to international election norms.
Violence and intimidation are also, in a rather more obvious way, not associated with unbiased elections. Nonetheless, political violence in the US has increased exponentially since 2016. Woe betide any MAGA hat wearers in urban areas, or any citizen bold enough to sport a Trump bumper sticker. Gangs wearing black masks attacked conservative speakers on college campuses and later rioted in city centers, beating political opponents. It wasn't any better online – anyone disagreeing with a Leftist talking point was guilty of 'hate speech', a phenomenon that doesn't even exist (according to the Supreme Court, anyway). It's reasonable to conclude that an establishment that is so intolerant of at least half the country is not creating an environment conducive to the exercise of free will. The only saving grace is the continued secrecy of voting itself.
Ironically, during the 'pandemic', the US provided much guidance to other countries on how to safely continue with in-person voting; they just didn't bother heeding their own advice. The headlong pursuit of mail-in voting led to copious anomalies. The standard of ballot validation was wretched. In many jurisdictions, signature matching requirements were dropped or watered down (often on the say so of courts and in defiance of state constitutions). This resulted in millions of problematic votes in the swing states of Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Georgia.
Ballot harvesting – which is when political operatives go door to door to collect ballots – became common practice, despite the fact that in most states (excluding California, naturally) it's illegal. In similar vein, vote buying made a comeback, with citizens who voted the 'right' way being offered raffle tickets and the like. Once again, these practices were the preserve of one political party – the Democrats – and, once again, they are indicators of unsafe elections.
Others crimes such as ballot stuffing and voter registration will be dealt with separately. The other red flag was the widespread, aggressive undermining of conservative election observers. The international standard mandates that these volunteers must be allowed to witness the whole process which should be a manual one. However, the US fails to heed such advice and uses machines in large part; this necessarily makes the observation process much less transparent, which is the point of it. Just to be sure, elections staff denied Republicans access to the counting halls or forced them into areas from which they couldn't properly observe. They were frequently aided in this endeavor by law enforcement. There were particular problems in the same battleground states – Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia.(1)
These types of behavior would typically result in a recommendation to cancel what were obviously flawed elections and hold new ones. That's if Americans were overseas, observing any election other than their own. But, within their own borders, anything goes – as long as it achieves the desired result. Other gross violations of election practice deserve their own sections. Even so, the following is only a smattering of examples in a few, selected states. I would expect these practices to be widespread, even in states which aren't traditionally viewed as toss-ups.
Voter roll fraud
Certain states tend to attract the lion's share of attention; not coincidentally, they are mostly the swing states. Wisconsin is one of the most corrupt and, before I delve into the detail a little, it's worth recalling that the Republican Party, even in states where it holds the balance of power in the legislature, is no match for election officials, who are overwhelmingly left leaning.
Wisconsin, as a state, must have something in the water. It has the largest cohort of centenarians in the world because, in mid 2021, there were 569,277 voters with a birth date of 1/1/1918; a human slush fund ready to call on in an emergency, when the result is not going to be achieved legitimately. Of these, 119,283 are what is termed 'active voters' – those who were required to vote to ensure that the blue party won, presumably – and 115,252 voted in November 2020.(2) This in a state that Trump was comfortably winning until some middle of the night voter dumps (around 211,000) that favored Biden to the tune of 80.2% of the votes.(3)
Furthermore, 23,000 voters in just one county had the same telephone number.(4) 29% of the voting population were added to the rolls in the ten months leading up to the election – a total of 957,977. That's an average of 22,000 new voter registrations a week, half of them online.(5) Trump 'lost' the state by a little over 20,000 votes. I think it highly likely that he was cheated out of hundreds of thousands of votes,
Stuffing ballot boxes
Either electronically or the old fashioned way. There were multiple instances in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia. Crates of ballots crossed state lines, USB sticks were plugged into voting machines. Democrat operatives were subsequently tracked going between local Democrat headquarters' and the infamous drop boxes, dotted about selected neighborhoods. They were seen to be dumping multiple ballots, multiple times. Over 2,000 of them dumped ballots in this way over ten times each.(6)
This was only possible because of the normalizing of the mail-in, absentee ballot. Even a corrupt state such as Wisconsin was a little squeamish about that:
“ by absentee ballot is a privilege exercised wholly outside the traditional safeguards of the polling place. The legislature finds that the privilege of voting by absentee ballot must be carefully regulated to prevent the potential for fraud or abuse...” (Wis. Stat. §6.84(1))(7)
But not so discouraged that the election commission didn't change the rules just prior to the last election and install drop boxes, overwhelmingly in Democrat strongholds, despite the fact that this action was illegal under Wisconsin law – as has now been proven in yet another court of law.(8) You might think that knowingly flouting the law and corrupting a national election that ought now to be voided and rerun might land the elections commission in legal jeopardy. It won't. As for the election – well, it's done now, so tough luck.
The drop boxes are otherwise known as Zuckerboxes after the Facebook founder, who funded the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) to the tune of over $350 million. $6.7 million of that money was invested in Wisconsin.
“CTCL provided money, infrastructure and personnel to transform those offices into platforms for aggressively promoting no-ID universal mail-in voting, target likely Democratic voters with a door-to-door get out the vote effort conducted by local election officials, and increasing staffing with paid partisan activists. What resulted was an election in which important election offices in states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin were focused less on running a free and fair election, and more on registering Democratic voters, encouraging Democratic voters to apply for absentee ballots, harvesting Democratic absentee ballots, curing and correcting flawed Democratic absentee ballots, and counting Democratic absentee ballots.”(9)
Pennsylvania law was also breached; this time it was a court allowing no-excuse voting.(10) What we had originally was a system where state legislatures made the rules and state supreme courts were there to rule on matters when the legislature passed anti-constitutional laws. This didn't work because partisan judges then interfered and introduced practices that contradicted legitimately constitutional laws passed by the legislature, by allowing drop boxes, late ballot counting and absentee ballots with no dates or handwritten name/address. The system is, therefore, compromised. In theory it should work but, as long as the judiciary is a captive entity, it won't.(11)
Primary dry runs
The Democrat primaries have come and gone with barely a whimper. Apparently, in the early primaries in May, the Republican vote was 50% bigger than the Democrats turnout.(12) This pattern seems to be continuing, with Republican turnout as much as double the socialists'. In Georgia, the Republican vote was allegedly 1,156,917 as against a mere 614,479 for their opponents, although how many were genuine is unknown.(13) In Maricopa county, Arizona (Ground Zero for proof of 2020 election fraud) 80% of the voting in person was in the Republican primaries.(14) It would appear that enthusiasm is thin on the ground on the blue side of the isle. Perhaps that's because the Democrats have been concentrating a lot of their effort on compromising the opposition's primaries, rather than enhancing their own.
In doing so, they have utilized a considerable number of ploys, sometimes aided and abetted by the RINO (Republican In Name Only) establishment of the putative enemy, otherwise known as the junior wing of the uniparty.
Prevent from running
Democrat lawyers first attempted to bar Trump Republicans from running in the first place. They filed lawsuits against alleged 'insurrectionist' members of Congress, despite the fact that no members of Congress have been found guilty of insurrection, nor charged with such an offence. This tactic didn't prove effective; a judge agreed that an insurrectionist could be barred from office, which was not unexpected.(15) The difficult part was proving that calling a Presidential election fraudulent amounted to insurrection. If it did, I imagine that Hillary Clinton would be next in the dock as she has continually blamed her 2016 defeat on fraud, rather than on the fact that people neither like her nor trust her.
In the electoral cesspit of Michigan, the Democrat Secretary of State disqualified two strong Republican candidates from even contesting the gubernatorial primary, plus three others.(16) She claimed that their petition signatures were fake. This is the same person who demonstrated a rather more relaxed attitude to the possibility of fake signatures when she ordered Michigan clerks to presume the accuracy of absentee ballot signatures in the 2020 election (the main avenue of fraud), rather than check them as required by law.(17) But, no matter. She only violated election law once...on that occasion. There were others occasions, also. But she's on the right team, so all is cool.
Voting machine adjudication and vote flipping
It's difficult to know where to start when assessing the election technology. It seems that one of the most problematic issues is with 'errors' in the software that cause the machine to reject the ballot (and all subsequent ballots) and send them for human adjudication. This code was already in the machines when they were certified by the EAC (Elections Assistance Commission). Bear in mind that code doesn't write itself. Adjudicating by hand is obviously outside the normal automatic process and much more vulnerable to fraud. This code has so far been found on machines in Tennessee and New Mexico.(18)
“What can you do with provisional ballots set off to the side? You can mass adjudicate them anytime down the road however you want ...”(19)
Not only that, however. It was also discovered that the machines are able to be remote accessed. Indeed, in the Detroit primaries (taking place as I write), a poll challenger found that a tabulator was connected to the internet whilst being used for counting ballots.(20) In New Mexico, the machine had the ability to fill out ballots itself.(21) This was also the state where 30% of voters didn't live at the address their ballot was sent and where the voting machines operators wiped the 2020 election data from the machines in June 2021, whilst 'servicing' the machines. You couldn't make some of this stuff up. The opportunity for fraud is obvious.
In Georgia, the incumbent Secretary of State, Raffensberger, along with other hated RINOs all managed to win their primaries. Raffensberger accrued 1,156,197 votes (52% of the vote, when he was polling at 25%), over half a million more than the Democrat primary winner. Most Republican winning candidates totaled between 100,000 and 200,000 more than their Democratic Party opposite number; but not 500,000 more.(22) There was apparently a massive early voting turnout, nearly three times that of the 2018 mid-terms. Go figure.
In Colorado, emerging as one of the worst offending states, the Republican Party got in on the act, too. An America First candidate (Linda Zamora Wilson), who received more support from nominees at the Party assembly than the RINO incumbent, was leading by 15,385 votes to 6,675 on 95% of the votes cast. She increased her lead slightly and the election was called in her favor. And then the machine flipped the vote. Her opponent now had the exact same number of votes and she was credited with his.(23)
Figure 1
Figure 2
Yes, it was that obvious. But they weren't done yet. Later in June, in an election for Secretary of State, another America First candidate (Tina Peters) was leading by 15% in polling prior to the election. At the Republic Assembly in April, she got 61% of the vote. Her closest competitor was an unknown who sits on the board of Zuckerberg's CTCL, the organisation that played a major role in cheating Trump out of victory in 2020. One would have to assume that the unknown is a Democrat, not a genuine Republican. She was also so unpopular with Republicans that she did not even attend the assembly. The third candidate was unknown even to most of the 17 election clerks.
“In the Republican primary for Colorado Secretary of State, all the momentum now is with Tina Peters. By every available metric, Peters is the frontrunner. Peters dominated the vote at the state assembly, and now holds a commanding lead in fundraising. Peters is getting orders of magnitude more earned media attention.”(24)
Because it's Colorado, the inevitable happened. Peters came third. The CTCL stooge won with 43% of the vote – 266,000 votes – despite a Twitter following of 1,493. The other unknown came second with 28%. What to do? Ordinarily, one might think a recount might be in order. After all, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's usually a duck. The state of Colorado priced the recount at $200,000. Peters, Zamora Wilson and others raised $250,000.(25)
The counties started doing Logic and Accuracy machine testing again. In El Paso county, for instance, of 4,000 votes around 53% were rejected and sent for adjudication, despite this being the exact same test run that was conducted in May with no real issues. Other counties are pushing ahead with the same testing, without proper notice to the candidates.(26) I don't imagine the county clerks want the candidates on-site while the tests are run. This story is still ongoing, but I wouldn't anticipate an honest outcome. The candidates are now suing every election clerk in the county and the Democrat Secretary of State. The same people who have obviously cheated (state election officials and voting machine operators) are the ones supervising the hand recounts; the fox is overseeing repairs at the hen house. I can't see it ending well.
Polling station chaos
There are any number of tricks that can be utilized to prevent or discourage voters attempting to cast their ballot in person. Arizona seems to deploy most of them and not just in general elections, although they are far from alone (honorable mentions to Michigan – who are shipping the Republican primary votes to liberal jurisdictions for counting - and Virginia, too). Indeed, when Maricopa County was audited in the aftermath of the 2020 election, the Republican establishment was less than forthcoming. One of the problems then was 'sharpiegate', a concerted effort by election workers to persuade voters to use a sharpie pen when casting their ballots, despite the fact that doing so would cause bleed through and invalidate their vote; which was clearly the idea.(27) Despite the furore at the time, they tried the same thing again in the primary this week.(28) They never give up and they have no shame.
Election officials in two other Arizona counties (Pima and Pinal) ran out of Republican ballots and sent people away. They were then captured illegally helping voters make ballot choices. Apparently, they had been trained to do so, as well as to give Republican ballots to Democrat voters. Pinal was also the county which sent out 63,000 erroneous ballots in early July. And in Maricopa county – the biggest – voting machines weren't working properly and election workers were telling citizens to insert their ballots into the machines upside down, for some reason. Additionally, poll locations were not publicized online and numerous in person voters have been told that they have already voted.(29)
At present, that same county has taken three days to count the vote in the gubernatorial race, which features a Trump endorsed candidate who was ahead in the polls by 9%-18%. It's fair to say that she would not be the sitting Governor's chosen opposition in November. They have stopped counting twice and what should have been a clear win is still in the balance with perhaps 20% of the vote still to count, despite the fact that news channels have called the race (eventually).(30) It appears that the officials are, perhaps, assessing whether they have the courage to go all-in and steal another election. If they do, it may be a step too far.
ERIC and fake IDs
For some considerable time, I was a little puzzled by the invasion at the southern border. I could see how millions of illegal immigrants would further impoverish the working class by driving wages even lower. I could see how, in the long term, the Democrats would expect the majority of these 'undocumented aliens' to vote for the party of handouts. I could see how transporting them around the country in the dead of night and depositing them in red states would change the demographics in the end. It was also clear that eroding the borders of nation states is what globalists live for. I just couldn't see how it was going to help them in the present. Now I can.
ERIC (Electronic Registration Information Center) is a comprehensive election database. It was founded with George Soros' money. It is used by 31 states in the Union, including red states and swing states, four of which have already achieved notoriety; Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. It is known to collate postal service address data with Social Security death records, but other methods of data capture (you might think they'd want to be a little more precise than that when the state is sending ballots out) are unknown. What is doesn't do is clear; it doesn't clean up voter rolls and it doesn't have a function that tracks illegal voting. The state has obligations too:
“Member States must not only submit all details on inactive and active voters to ERIC every 60 days. But they must also provide every individual in their states Motor Vehicle Department database, both licensed and ID recipients. This combo of data is breathtaking. It’s everyone who could generate a legal ballot. It includes those approaching voting age, even those here illegally yet issued an ID by their left leaning State.”(31)
It's very efficient at finding voters. In fact, it set a record last time out by locating an 'extra' 17 million voters. It's going to find a lot more soon because the other shoe is about to drop. The regime is piloting an ID card (the ICE Secure Docket Card – notice, no mention of ID), so that illegal immigrants may more easily access benefits which are paid for by US taxpayers and which are meant to be for US citizens.(32) Given the fact that pilot programmes rarely, if ever, fail because they are intended to normalize a desired course of action rather than see if it actually works, we can safely assume that it will be rolled out to all and sundry in time for 2024. Provided that ERIC links with the ID scheme (which it will, because it's such an obvious win), America may start to go permanently blue, by virtue of the votes of illegals. Ironic, but neat and Republicans have given no indication that they have grasped the ramifications.
Biden's Federal takeover
At this point, one does start wondering at the scale of the activity. But we're not done yet. Possibly the most impactful measures of all stem from an Executive Order (EO) by the man masquerading as President of the United States:
“President Biden ordered all 600 federal agencies to “expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process” on March 7, 2021. There are several major problems with Biden’s secret plan, critics say. It’s unethical to tie federal benefits to election activity. It’s unconstitutional to have the federal government take authority that belongs to the states and which Congress has not granted.”(33)
But the Constitution and ethics in politics are for the birds in Progressive world. No matter that federal agencies are supposed to be impartial. Pay no attention to the certainty that these agencies will surely be breaching individual state laws as they go about their electioneering business or the fact that Congress has not okayed any of this, not that they have the power to do so unless and until legislation is passed – which it won't be, because it will need 60 votes out of 100 in the Senate and the Republicans have 50 seats.
The permanent administration has already proven itself to be lawless in its Covid mandates. Now it has a political bedfellow in Biden, it is even less encumbered by any sense of propriety. Do you think Biden would be making this order (and then keeping the agencies' responses secret) if it was interested in fairness? They are also co-opting the USPS (US Postal Service), an organisation that endorsed the Democrat nominee for President. The USPS is responsible for the delivery and return of election ballots. Now they have created a permanent division to control said activity.(34) Exactly what this entails is not yet known to the public. However, the leftist lawyer responsible for the lawfare strategy that helped steal the 2020 election is happy about it – enough said.(35) What Biden is doing is federalizing the activity that spawned Zuckerboxes and ballot stuffing.(36)
Trump and J6th Unselect Committee
The other game in town is the circus masquerading as a legitimate process that is the January 6th Select Committee, which is supposed to be looking into all the circumstances surrounding the protest cum riot of 2021, but which is doing nothing of the sort. Firstly, the committee has been formed illegally (there are no official Republican members) and, therefore, has no legitimate powers; secondly, the committee allows no legal representation by witnesses called before it, despite the fact that charges may be recommended and, thirdly, it blatantly disregards any information that doesn't fit the narrative, the true purpose of the committee is two-fold. To brand any Trump supporter an insurrectionist and domestic terrorist and to prevent Trump from ever gaining power again. I predict that they will succeed.
They have no shame and no filter – the rules of Congress and the rule of law are secondary to their agenda, and there is nobody to stop them doing whatever they want to do. The Republican Party will pretend to be appalled but they don't want Trump either. They (the Deep State, the uniparty) will not allow him to run again. He is dangerous and they fear him. As to the mechanism? The Committee provides the clearing house for 'evidence', even though it is illegally incorporated. The Department of Justice, while initially feigning coyness, is now starting to warm to its task. In the words of the nonentity that is the Attorney General:
“We intend to hold everyone, anyone who was criminally responsible for the events surrounding January 6, for any attempt to interfere with the lawful transfer of power from one administration to another, accountable.”(37)
Of course he does. Provided it doesn't include any Federal agent provocateurs or those Democrat leaders guilty of negligence (at best) or criminal conspiracy (at worst) in the events of January 6th. What he actually means is that he's going to prosecute Trump. This despite the fact there is no evidence of any kind that Trump did anything wrong. But that is a minor inconvenience that can be easily surmounted.
What's more, I don't think that any potential change in party power after the mid-terms would make any difference. I suppose the Republicans (were they to take control of the House) would feel duty bound to disband the J6th committee. However, if the DoJ had already taken the investigation on board, the committee will have already served its purpose. The Republican Party could hide behind sentiments such as the need to not interfere with impartial government agencies in the execution of their sacred duties (or similar) and stand back while the Democrats do their dirty work for them.
Would Trump be convicted? Of course he would. There would be no need to provide actual evidence of guilt:
“Why? Because the charges against him would be filed in the District of Columbia, which has a jury pool ready, willing, and able to convict Trump on the thinnest of pretexts. If the hated and demonized former president went to trial in Washington, does anyone believe that a D.C. jury would accord him the presumption of innocence or fairly and impartially decide his fate?”(38)
This is a jurisdiction that is overwhelmingly Democrat with activist, liberal judges to boot. I have no doubt that this is what Trump's future holds. I would expect a prison sentence, as well. And, eventually, a Supreme Court decision in his favour; maybe. But the Democrats will be hoping that 2024 has come and gone before that happens and, as they control the lower appellate courts, they are in a position to delay matters as necessary.
This election and the presidential one that follows in 2024 are not true contests between Democrats and genuine Republicans. In truth, that charade was exposed the moment Trump declared his candidacy in 2015. The Democratic machine was his most obvious adversary, but Establishment Republicans weren't far behind. The latter were largely reluctant to exhibit outright opposition (though not exclusively), preferring sins of omission as their primary modus operandi. They failed to mount any sort of campaign to defend their leader while he was being constantly undermined and impugned during his four years in office and the eighteen months since. They never wanted Trump and they lack a sense of honor or the gift of humility, qualities that would both need to be present were they to truly represent their base.
It is clear that there is a concerted effort underway, the object of which is to neuter the MAGA wing of the party by any means necessary, up to and including wholesale fraud in primary elections. Through the use of such mechanisms of mail-in voting and voting machine manipulation (mostly), the uniparty is maneuvering its own candidates (including actual Democrats) into position. At the very least, the intention is that the Republican controlled opposition is kept on a short leash.
One other possible outcome is also fairly obvious. Republican voters will find that, in the first instance, their vote counts for even less than they thought it did and, secondly, that there is nobody worth voting for anyway. This will, in all likelihood, scupper the chance for a genuinely Republican majority in the House. Even the head of the Republican National Congress thinks they will only gain four seats in the mid-terms, barely enough to achieve a majority. In that scenario, it will only need one or two rogue republicans to cross the aisle and the the administration would still be capable of pursuing its agenda.
It's clear that the 2020 election was characterized by rampant Democratic Party fraud. Results in the swing states weren't declared until voting allegedly stopped, for the first time ever. Due to the fact that, in many cases, election operatives destroyed evidence that they were legally bound to preserve (with no consequences), the full scale of the steal will never be known. However, there can be no reasonable doubt that that it was sufficient to constitute a coup. The anomalies are too outrageous for anything other conclusion. What would be the point of all the fraud, otherwise? To come close but fail? The evidence that exists points to an enormous undertaking, comprising millions of fake votes.
There are the obvious discrepancies with the 2020 Census, for one. According to the Census, the number of people voting in the 2020 election was 154,628,000. However, the official results show just over 158 million ballots cast. It's not unusual to find the Census missing the mark, but it's almost always because the bureau over-records the number of people voting, not the number of votes.(39)
A majority of Americans know all this, or at least sense it – not just a super-majority of Republicans. There are also the lesser spotted 'moderate' Democrats among their number – those who were foolish enough to vote for Biden because they believed him to be a safe pair of hands, or because they were so desperate to be rid of Orange Man Bad that they didn't listen to this fake president's campaign promises. Polling shows 83% of the voting public to be concerned about election integrity (61% of them very concerned). 75% are specifically concerned about election cheating (53% very concerned).(40)
Moreover, 55% believe that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election.(41) This large cohort are considerably more alert this time around. They will not be reassured by what they've seen thusfar (if they've been able to access truthful reporting). I suspect that they will be deeply unimpressed if the mid-term election results are as improbable as those of 2020, or more so. It isn't just conservatives who have disengaged with the narrative. It's independents and liberals as well. CNN and the like have seen their ratings crater. Nobody is interested in their lies, any more. The disconnect between the elites and the people is growing exponentially.
Additionally, the Biden Executive Order isn't designed to ferret out millions of shy Democrat voters. The intention is to use unionized, overwhelmingly left leaning federal workers to engage in partisan activity. The government won't tell us what, naturally, but the EO is intended to provide cover when the mid-terms don't go the way they should. Remember, very few administrations gain seats (or even maintain their advantage) in these elections. Biden and Harris are not in a position to buck the trend, but I bet they do – if both are still in office in three months time.
In a general election, in person voting is overwhelmingly Republican. This creates a problem for the regime. Tampering behind the scenes is one thing; doing so in front of the prospective voter is another. Nonetheless, numerous ruses have been devised, all of which were in play in the primaries.
Remember, they don't care what we think. Unfortunately, there is something still within us that has difficulty acknowledging what the elites are doing. Perhaps it's the sheer scale of it and the malevolence that goes with it. But just think of how blatant the Colorado vote flip was. That demonstrates the contempt they have for us. Then think of the $200,000 that candidates has to raise, just to check obviously corrupted results. And what do you think will happen now that the L&A checks have been done and the voting machines have been shown to be useless? I'll wager nothing will happen. Nothing ever gets done.
The other thing to note is the sheer quantity of dirty tricks that they think they need to deploy. How many votes do they have to nullify or steal? They clearly think it'll be a lot. This ought to give pause to the Democrats, but it won't. They will do what they have to do because they believe in the justness of their cause and they lack morality. If they have to double their candidate's vote or halve the opposition's, they will; if they have to swap the totals in broad daylight, they will.
It doesn't matter what it is and it doesn't matter how obvious it is. They know that there is no real risk involved, because the entire system has their back – the elections management, the FBI, the courts and the Department of Justice; everybody. If election workers in Michigan (in November 2020) can be filmed producing suitcases of ballots with no chain of custody and then running the ballots through tabulators multiple times and still face no action, then clearly anything goes.
The courts had the opportunity to intervene in the period between the election and Biden's inauguration. To nobody's surprise, they didn't, despite the fact that Trump's legal team amassed over 1,000 affidavits. The Supreme Court was similarly spineless, ignoring the complaints of at least one Justice:
“These cases provide us with an ideal opportunity to address just what authority non-legislative officials have to set election rules…. The refusal to do so is inexplicable.”(42)
Of course, the fact that the system is so thoroughly rigged induces a degree of carelessness in election officials, so many abuses will be openly committed. I imagine that some of these Leftists may even gain satisfaction from the complementary impotence of the opposition. The general idea is to do away with the last pretend vestige of democracy. And it's going to be crass and obvious – the equivalent of a poke in the chest and a “what are you going to do about it?”, because they know no other way.
Figure 3
But American elections are among the least secure in the entire world, entirely due to the machinations of the Left. It now seems clear which path that Biden and his enablers have chosen; there will be an election, of sorts. The Left and their Republican co-conspirators are expending too much energy for there not to be. It'll almost certainly take place under lock-down conditions (California and New York have already declared a state of emergency due to 'monkeypox'), or in circumstances where polling stations are few and far between because of workers shortages etc etc; you get the picture. As long as they are able to convince themselves that they have successfully gaslit the population into believing that there will be yet another late Democrat mail-in surge, because that is the myth they propagated last time.
They have decided to cheat their way to victory in a fashion that will be even more difficult to credit than last time. Simultaneously, they will indict Trump or abuse some other constitutional provision and ensure that he won't be allowed to run for President in 2024. Neither of these outcomes is seriously in doubt. The Democrats hold all the cards, even in red states. Stalin's maxim holds true; it's who counts the votes that is important. We are not in a situation whereby they can only cheat up to a limit and hope that it's enough. There is no limit. There still ought to be a degree of caution, a sense that the public will only take so much. There won't be. Progressives have never given any indication that they possess that gene.
It's possible that the GOP will be allowed to achieve a House majority in November, but it won't be a genuine one. The Progressive agenda will still be on track, because Biden can do what he's done twice already (with the Green New Deal and voting 'rights') when foiled in Congress, Just issue Executive Orders that the bureaucracy will obey without question and cut the legislature out of the loop, while simultaneously passing spending bills under the cover of budget reconciliation and submerging other funding in unrelated bills that nobody has a chance to read before they are voted on.
In this way, legislation is passed and funded without having to go through the dreary process of passing laws – which wouldn't get through. Their mindset is telling. Instead of trying to build a consensus when proposed legislation fails to gain sufficient support from a democratically (maybe) elected Congress, they instead seek to nullify the consent of the people.The Left will do these things because they can and because they never slow down nor take a step backwards, even when it would be tactically prudent– unless they're made to.
Still, the question arises- does the regime have to win the House (in particular) in order to maintain its grip? Practically, I'm not sure that it does. Whilst it's true that most legislation has its genesis in the House, it still needs to negotiate the Senate with 60 plus votes before it even reaches the President. And he can use his veto to override it, as the Republicans are very unlikely to achieve a super-majority of 60 seats on their own.
It also appears that the majority of their agenda is already through, one way or another. Any tinkering can be done via the usual method of issuing rules, regulations and 'guidance' in place of what should be law, but which will be obeyed anyway unless challenged in the courts. The only big ticket item that has not been fully implemented is gun reform, otherwise known as gutting the Second Amendment. On the other hand, some Republicans have demonstrated a desire to sleep with the enemy, so perhaps the regime will achieve its goal anyway.
I suspect the main concern for Democrats, were they to lose the House, would be the shadow of impeachment. It's the House that initiates proceedings. However, the Republican leadership has been deathly quiet about their plans should they emerge triumphant from the mid-terms. I would be surprised if these invertebrates haven't reassured their counterparts that something that crass is the furthest thing from their minds.
Notably, the interference in these Republican primaries (from Democrats and RINOs alike) has been equally troublesome in elections for state officials; the offices of Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General. This may reflect a regime emphasis on getting the states under control, as well as fixing the national Congress. This will be necessary if lock-downs and other measures are re-introduced. Nonetheless, on balance, I think the Democrats will still seek to cheat their way to victory in the House in November.
If they do, the effect on the Republican base may well be dramatic. It would be surprising if there wasn't trouble and, when there is, the insidious campaign demonizing the Deplorable will suddenly make sense. We will, I'm sure, be treated to one more example of doublespeak; those that protest the stolen election will be labelled proto-insurrectionists endangering democracy. I suspect that they'll be damned if they do, damned if they don't. False flag operations are a specialty of this regime and the two tiered justice system will do the rest.
The gloves are coming off and the corruption will be naked. There will be no real attempt to ensure what happens is believable, because it's simply not going to be possible to do so. The level of fraud required to manufacture their desired outcome will be too high to hide. The very existence of Biden's EO is constitutional overreach and should render the election results null and void.
While it's tempting to believe that Biden & co are too stupid to see what's coming or, conversely, that their ideological echo chamber has failed to rein in their excesses, this would be naïve in the extreme. They know exactly what they are doing and they know what the likely response will be. At present, they are still paying lip service to the democratic process because they haven't quite reached the point at which they can dispense with it, not that I think they will ever do that entirely. It's probable, in my view, that they are trying to hasten the advent of true autocracy by goading Americans into physical opposition, thus providing them with the excuse they need to deploy the very well armed alphabet agencies.
So, the aftermath of the mid-terms themselves could be very messy. Other factors will also have an impact. I imagine that the war in Ukraine will still be rumbling on, the inflation/recession combo will be almost impossible to deny (although, to be fair, nothing is completely impossible to deny for this junta) and the realization that food shortages are imminent – and that nothing is being done to ensure that the crisis is just a one-off – will all play a role in public disquiet. Add another stolen election, light the blue touchpaper and retire.
And, in truth, conservatives face a Hobson's choice. The regime likes the illusion of choice as long as the right choice is arrived at. They believe that, by corrupting the institutions that were supposed to protect the people – such as the FDA, the courts, the Federal Reserve, the medical profession, election commissions – they can subvert them and use them for their own authoritarian purposes. They think that they retain legitimacy provided they are endorsed by these 'experts' or 'authorities'. If the CDC tells you to mask up and take the 'vaccine', you should do so. If the voting machines have declared a winner, it must be so. Conservatives can either accept the charade at face value and succumb, or resist.
The true opposition to the American regime has a very limited media presence, so it's difficult to gauge the size of it; although, I'm starting to think, whilst chronicling the amount of effort that seems to be required to fix even the primary results, that the conservative base is a lot bigger than previously assumed. There is copious evidence of its existence. As an example, and despite the egregious corruption that marred the last presidential election, Trump officially increased his vote by around 9 million. Polling indicates that over 100 million Americans believe that the last election was stolen. When it happens again in the mid-terms, they are unlikely to take it lying down. The regime knows this. That's why they've been federalizing the police and purging the military. They've been prepping. More on that next.
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(38) Ditto
(42) Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Degraffenreid 141 S. Ct. 732 [Feb. 22, 2021] cert denied.) Justice Thomas
Figure 3
Get help. You are a delusional paranoid.