The tectonic plates are shifting. Something is changing beneath our feet, right now. The fact that it is happening in America and we're not all in America shouldn't mean that we ignore it because, as we are probably all aware, what starts in the US gets exported to our shores sooner or later; like MTV and crack cocaine. The activities of the modern day Borgias that make up the American elites will affect all of us and soon.
I've written at length about Fauci and Walensky (at the CDC) and their gaslighting of not just the US public, but of the rest of us too. The continual streams of nonsense issuing forth about every aspect of the 'pandemic' have been so emphatically full on that any slight easing up on the accelerator is glaringly obvious. And when it's co-ordinated with President Brandon and Big Media, it feels a lot like we are being prepped for something new.
Brandon has been so obviously handicapped for at least the past two years that we have become used to his gaffes and mental bluntness. It's become a New Normal of governance; instead of the mild incompetence we are accustomed to in our politicians, we've had a figurehead who appears to be in a downward spiral of cognitive impairment, first among equals in the ranks of the useful idiots. But nobody has done anything about it, by virtue of the fact that it has gone unacknowledged by Big Media. The assumption, by some, has been that he will be replaced by the VP at some point, probably when he'd completed his allotted role as fall guy and the Democrats could then attempt to lay the blame for their atrocious polling figures wholly at his door.
There was always a small problem with that plan, which has been clear to the rest of us from the beginning and may now be intruding into the group-think that passes for leadership in this administration, and that is that people dislike Harris even more than they do Brandon. That's what happens when you pay more attention to a person's gender and racial identity as measures of their suitability for office than you do to their competence and likeability. Let's not forget, she was polling at roughly 0% in the Presidential primaries when she withdrew from the race. That was before people knew her; she's subterranean now. And, lately, there's been another hiccup. Sleepy Joe has been making noises about running again in 2024, although whether he can now remember doing so is a moot point.
The administration is also facing opposition on multiple fronts. The radical agenda that they wish to pass, which would put today's grandchildren and great grand children in hock for trillions for a Climate Change Bill (sorry, Infrastructure Bill) that would cost America her status as a superpower, is all gummed up because they can't get two of their own side on board and, while they are now turning their attention to their plan to federalize elections so that they may never lose again, that faces an even greater hurdle as they need at least 60 votes for the bill to get through the Senate under existing rules. On top of that, 23 Democrat House members have decided not to seek re-election (over 10% of their caucus) and federal judges are getting a taste for suspending Brandon's mandates.
And, of course, the primaries are coming in less than a year and the Democrats know that there is every likelihood that they will be wiped out in the House elections and may also lose their tenuous hold on the Senate, which they only command when they can keep all their senators on board and then rely on Harris to break the 50-50 tie. At that point, Brandon will be even more of a lame duck than he currently is and the chances of getting anything done in the two years up to 2024 will be vanishingly small.
So, it's all going a bit Pete Tong and, to cap it all, the Omicron variant is failing to behave as required and Dr Peter McCullough (1) and Dr Robert Malone (2) have gone on Joe Rogan and flapped their gums about how the pandemic has all been orchestrated by the state and its minions. People are starting to notice that things are amiss, despite the fact that the regime has been trying to scrub any mention of the McCullough interview, in particular, from the internet entirely.
So, what to do? Are there any clues as to their intentions? Tactically, one of the favored ploys of our elites, at times when they may find themselves with their trousers around their ankles, is to distract the eye with another end-of-the-world scenario that isn't and to pivot away from what's not working. The hope is that enough people, already traumatized by the thought of leaving their house for fear of death by Omicron, will fall for the new 'pandemic' and that the resistance will have to expend vast amounts of energy on refuting this emerging threat. And whilst we're all doing that, we won't be paying any attention to what else the regime is up to. Which will be a lot.
Some things have been happening that just don't feel right. For instance, Fauci has been telling the truth; I never thought I'd write those words. After two years of brazenly switch-backing between one falsehood and the next, he actually said the following: "If you look at the children that are hospitalized, many of them are hospitalized with Covid, as opposed to because of Covid."(3) This from the man who advocated double-masking and denied funding gain-of-function research even when confronted with unassailable evidence to the contrary. Even Walensky has admitted that the new guidelines from the CDC were tailored to what the agency thought people would be able to tolerate,(4) not a consideration that has bothered the CDC at any time in the past two years.
I can see that leveraging Omicron into yet more lock-downs and mandates is a tough sell, but I've frequently been appalled by the combination of the state's chutzpah and the people's gullibility, so the fact that they don't even seem to be trying to pull the wool over our eyes at the moment is still surprising. Can it be that they have recognized that the entire Covid narrative is becoming ever more strained? I'm pretty sure that those of you reading these words will have different opinions on that, depending on where you are. Some countries don't seem to be overly concerned any more and are effectively going through the motions, others still have populations in thrall to the party line. But vaccination take-up tailed off at the beginning of August pretty much everywhere and anybody getting it now isn't doing so because the Omicron variant is more scary than the original. So, I smell a rat.
Then, Brandon himself said that there isn't a federal solution to Covid. I know. Apparently, it's now down to the states to sort out. Hasn't he spent the past year banging on about how he'll deal with it, at every opportunity? Hasn't he been issuing mandates like they are going out of fashion? So, is he trying to shift the focus away from failing strategies and overturned measures? Did he read the autocue correctly? The dissonance started to become deafening when the media waded in, on message. Before you know it, the Daily Mail is quoting 'experts' as saying that:
“rolling out vaccines every three-to-four months simply isn't 'doable' and may not even be necessary because of Omicron which some believe will speed up the process of endemicity and consign days of sky-high hospitalization and death figures to history.
And they called for more data on dosing gaps between boosters before pressing ahead with plans to administer fourth jabs. Some experts claim the benefits of extra jabs are minimal because their primary purpose - preventing deaths and hospitalizations - has barely waned after a year and several Covid variants, effectively meaning boosters are adding to an already high base level immunity.” Professor Ian Jones, a virologist at the University of Reading, said descriptions of Omicron being a 'natural vaccine' were right.
The logic behind the argument is that as Omicron is highly transmissible but milder than other variants, it can give an immunity boost without causing as much serious illness, with some data suggesting a combination of infection than vaccination providing the best type of immunity in the long-run.”(5)
Now, I do recognise the obvious lies in those statements, namely that the effectiveness of the 'vaccines' has not declined and that infection followed by 'vaccination' (I think there is a typo in the article and it should read 'then vaccination' rather than 'than vaccination') is the best type of immunity, when it actually brings the possibility of a perfect storm of Antibody Dependent Enhancement into play.
So, it's not as if the paper has moved away from its mission to misinform and maim its readership. It could just be a more subtle way of gaslighting the 'hesitant'. Nonetheless, it's the first time I've seen any media float the idea that boosters are not the only way to prevent a tsunami of suffering. And if we all followed the Mail's lead, where is Pfizer going to get it's next $10 billion from? And so, once again, something stinks.
Then I saw this and realized that it wasn't just one paper gone rogue:
Figure 1
The New York Times then weighed in with a freakishly similar story, with the 'experts' warning that too many shots could cause 'immune fatigue'; what this actually is was not defined, but the tenor of the piece was undoubtedly skeptical.(6) Expect to see more of this in the days to come; an easing off of the fear ratchet. This is not normal elite behavior. Well, it is in the sense that it's co-ordinated and it fits into the classic menticide methodology of creating waves of fear, with a little respite in between, as a way of breaking down resistance and destroying critical thinking. But not in the sense that it doesn't leave them many places to go next. Are we going to be expected to believe that the next variant, rather than following the normal evolutionary pathway and being milder still, will instead be a deadly monster? Possibly. After all, it's not like any of it has to make complete sense for the sheople to believe in it anyway. But, maybe different plans are afoot.
Could there be a scenario where the gangsters that run our lives have come to the conclusion that they are not going to be able to 'vaccinate' the 'hesitant' anytime soon? And that, in America at least, time is short politically and they need to get on with it? If we accept that Covid was always merely a Trojan Horse, a means to an authoritarian end, could it be that they are about to pivot towards another 'pandemic'? But this time, one bad enough that dissenters will not have a leg to stand on if they try and defy the collective.
What's the alternative? That they give up? That they've come this far and yet, a year out from the primaries they just throw their hands in the air and say they gave it their best shot? Does that sound like something that would happen in this universe? The shouty Progressives and the elites, both political and capitalist, just accept that they can't win when all they've been doing is winning with 70% of the West for two whole years? And while they still hold all the cards? There is absolutely nothing that would suggest that they will suddenly desist. It runs counter to their psychology and the behavior it spawns. I don't buy it. Something else is going on.
And I think it's occurring on two fronts. And possibly not wholly co-ordinated with the rest of the West, because the political reality for the Left in America is brutal and coming ever nearer, but the same priorities don't necessary animate the likes of Australia, the UK or Germany. Politically, the Democrats have options, but few of them are winners. The ditching of Brandon may well be imminent, though. It is common knowledge, inside the Beltway, that Harris and Brandon are at each others' throats. It is being leaked that Hillary has been in regular touch with Kamala, allegedly to advise her on how to deal with being a woman in high office. That sounded rather unlikely, not least because that's what we're being told. And, lo and behold, shortly afterwards Hillary gives an interview where she says:
“Look, I’m all about having vigorous debate. I think it’s good, and it gives people a chance to be part of the process. But, at the end of the day it means nothing if we don’t have a Congress that will get things done, and we don’t have a White House that we can count on to be sane and sober and stable and productive.”(7)
Outside of primary season, criticism like this is unprecedented and I'm having a hard time believing that this is anything other than calculated. It looks very much like the first salvo in a take-down of Brandon. I'm not a political savant but, along with many of you I'm sure, I've seen this show before. The totalitarian play-book isn't characterized by subtlety. I think we may be on course for a Harris-Clinton administration in the not too distant future. Clinton is the Democrat establishment made flesh and will no doubt be the alpha in that relationship.
I cannot tell you why they might think this is a good idea. Clinton is as polarizing a figure as any in American politics and her, in combination with Harris, is only a dream team if you happen to have an IQ south of 100. But the Democrats are not overburdened with likeable, electable candidates. They can't be if Mayor Buttigieg is being talked up. So, maybe that's all the choice they've got. But it doesn't solve the mid-term problem. They are still going to have their ass handed to them on a plate.
Unless....and this where the politics and the 'pandemic' have a nexus. Unless, the next 'pandemic' down the pipe is really, really bad. I don't mean in reality. I mean in terms of what they will say is reality. What about if it's something like Marburg Disease? I've mentioned this disease as a possibility previously, as it has several things going for it. For one, the symptoms mimic a fair few of the symptoms of 'vaccine' injuries; severe bleeding, typically five to seven days after symptoms start, organ failure and blood abnormalities including low white blood count or low platelets and abnormalities in kidney, liver, and clotting function.
Also, there is a PCR test (8) (isn't there always?), designed in 2018 – for a disease that has killed under 400 people since its discovery in 1967 – and a vaccine in clinical trials. I know – astonishing. Further, the NIAID is the owner of the vaccine and, best of all, the death rate is high; at the bottom end, 1 in 4 and, at worst, 9 in 10. So, Marburg Disease offers the double whammy of explaining the Covid 'vaccine' injuries (which may eventually become an issue that cannot be ignored) and terrifying the already terrified into staying home, indefinitely. Plus, leaving the vaccine 'hesitant' nowhere to turn. If you think there is plenty of othering going on now, can you imagine what it would like with Marburg's?
I focus on this disease because others have already been doing so, including the WHO and everyone's favorite sociopath, Gates. Gates' GAVI published an article in April 2021, entitled Marburg: the next pandemic? (I did say that they weren't subtle),(9) there has recently been an academic paper claiming that Marburg can be spread asymptomatically (10), funded by the NIH naturally, and because there was a case of Marburg in West Africa in August 2021 (allegedly) and that was the first case that close to the west coast.(11) It sounds suspiciously like a re-run, doesn't it?
Let me re-iterate; it won't really be Marburg Disease. It'll be a another PCR 'pandemic', but I suspect a lot of people will fall for it, especially if the media decides it's actually going to report on the catastrophic 'vaccine' injuries after all. And if a 'pandemic' is coming, it'll have to be soon, because those injuries are already here. Wait too long and it might all come out and the Marburg ruse is dead in the water.
And if the regime can't keep the 'emergency' alive, they lose the ability to maintain measures such as EUAs; in theory. I wouldn't expect them to acknowledge that possibility speedily were it to occur, if at all. But bear in mind; this is not a real pandemic, it's a tactic. So, instead of us expecting there to be a rational exit plan, we should be looking for a pretext to abandon a failing gambit and then a move to Plan B. Reality can be denied for a considerable time, but perhaps not forever in a country that still maintains a vestige of democracy.
Look at it from the political perspective, too. I've written about the epic abnormalities in the last Presidential election, greatly facilitated by the increase in mail-in voting. As a result of the obvious fraud, there has been something of a backlash at state level, which has made a similar steal at the mid-terms problematic, not to say unfeasible. In 34 of the past 37 mid-terms, the party of the sitting President has lost seats and it beggars belief that this administration will be one that bucks the trend. So, the 'For The People' bill is the next vital order of business. It will put the running of all elections in federal hands which, presently, means the Left.
Combine that with a 'pandemic' that involves lock-downs and the mail-in route again looks achievable, except on a much larger scale. Still not believable as an election if the Democrats cling on to power in the House, but if everybody is confined to quarters, there is a limit to what the opposition could do about it. And the Democrats truly don't care what it looks like. Just as long as they can wave a figurative piece of paper proclaiming their legitimacy, however fraudulently, that will suffice. There's always martial law as a fallback if there is then a real insurrection.
I know. It all looks far too sketchy and I'm only guessing, after all. They may have another scenario in mind. But the 'pandemic' route has proved wildly successful and there has not been a shortage of people spouting off about the fact that there will inevitably be another one at some point. And the elites are committed now. A lot of hard work has gone into this takeover and it's really difficult to see them backing out at this juncture, under no pressure to do so.
There is the ever present temptation to fall into the trap of asking the one question to which we cannot know the answer, until it happens: 'They wouldn't, would they?' All that really counts is whether they can, and I can see a way and I can see what looks suspiciously like prior planning. One thing I cannot foresee; that they are going to give up with a whimper. I may have the mechanism wrong, but I don't think that I'm misidentifying the method they will use to get us to the next phase in the process of total subjugation. We'll know soon enough. The air is already starting to go out of the balloon.
(2) Malone on Spotify or excerpts here

Figure 1